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Hamamelis Mollis — 15 Comments

  1. I love that plant, now and again, I have real garden envy – being very far up norht – a plant like that won’t do here – too windy and cold – but I am glad to find your blog and read about your one!
    Will be following a fellow north gardener

  2. Hi Alistair – The photos (taken with your new camera I assume) are so sharp and those catkins (I hope that’s the right word) look sulphur yellow – Brilliant.

  3. Alistair, I sent my question to Tony Aiello, the Curator of Plants and Director of Horticulture at the Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania. The British witch hazel expert’s name is Chris Lane. Tony says: “The disease is Phyllosticta hamamelidis. It seems especially bad on ‘Arnold’s Promise’ and ‘Pallida’. The mollis cultivars seem the most resistant.” Hope that adds to the discussion. Carolyn

  4. Carolyn, thanks for the further information on Arnold Promise, so interesting I will update my post. This is what I like about comments.

  5. Alistair, Very beautiful photo of H. mollis and some great information. ‘Arnold’s Promise’ is a cross between Chinese and Japanese witch hazels, hence H. x intermedia. I had been growing mine for about 10 years in a spot where it’s unusual vase-shaped habit fit perfectly when it came down with a disease which causes the leaves to curl up and die in summer. Eventually it stopped flowering except on the end of the branches and generally was not very ornamental any more. ‘Arnold’s Promise’ is very susceptible to this disease. It was diagnosed in my garden when I was visited by the English witch hazel expert who holds the national collection (and whose name escapes me right now as does the name of the problem). Other witch hazel cultivars are resistant so when choosing one some research needs to be done.

  6. They are slow in growing Larry, I think this is the reason that they are so expensive. Still very cold over there , a visit to the garden expo may well be a good idea.

  7. Hi Alistair… What a fine picture of the Hamamelis mollis! I have had Jelena and Arnold’s Promise for three years… both were moved to a spot where the rabbits will be less likely to bother them, this past spring. I can’t say that either one has grown much from the 3.5′ plants I bought them as… I do hope they will do well here. A friend sent a picture of one that was some 20 feet + across and in full bloom… they are amazing!
    It was eleven degrees below zero fahrenheit this morning, but should warm to low 30’s this next week… that will feel good as the fuel bill has been high this year! This is the big ‘Garden Expo’ event about two hours from here this weekend… may take that in to help ameliorate the spring fever thing that’s going on with me! Take care, Larry

  8. Hi Alistair – thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. You asked about getting people to connect with your blog. I dont know how long you have been doing yours but it does take time to get going (Mine is nearly 3 yrs old). You have to build up a following and the best way to do this is leaving comments on other blogs so they come and visit you. For me my blog took off when I registered at Blotanical http://www.blotanical.com/ – I dont think you are on there. You will discover 1000s of gardening blogs from around the world and you can start to network with others who have similar interests. I dont think it is your content as your posts seem good and informative you just need to make those contacts and stick at it. Good Luck

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