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Phlox Paniculata Franz Schubert — 35 Comments

  1. Mike, surely it wasn’t raining. Yes I have cut them back, I have some recollection of doing this years ago, seemed to have slipped my mind in recent years, well well, I wonder why.

  2. hello Alisair, enjoyed the photos, we spent a day in Aberdeen waiting for the boat to the Shetland Isles, amazingly it was raining!

    The phlox is so reliable and do consider the ‘Chelsea Chop’ cutting down the plants or some of the plant to a half which makes it sturdier and makes it flower at delayed times which gives a longer flowering season. Well worth doing.

  3. Hi Alistair,
    I am a huge fan of phlox and am always adding to my collection. Most of my phlox plants have to put up with half shade to full shade and so they are a bit slow to clump up. I think there must be at least one Franz Schubert in my garden. The town shots are terrific. Such grand architecture!

  4. Hi Rosie, we are not exactly very well travelled. I suppose when people think of Aberdeen, the first thoughts are, (cold!) But here on the coast, the Winter is in fact milder than a lot of areas in Scotland. As for Summer, we have our moments, although if you travel 15 miles inland to Banchory it is most often warmer.

  5. Mildew made me give up trying to grow this perennial but I must keep an eye out for this variety as I made a descision last August after seeing so many beautiful phlox blooms on blogs that I should try again.

    I always love the granite of Aberdeen and it’s a city I’ve been to…………… 3 times ………. isn’t that awful! I would love to explore that area alot more rather than just exploring the shops and ending up with the kids at Cadona’s – alot of folk don’t realise that it even has a nice beach.

  6. I will have to check it out further b-a-g, but I am sure the local pub is one of those night club sort of places for young folk like yourself. Aberdeen centre is saturated with these now and apparently at 2am resembles Benidorm.

  7. Yes Donna, bridges and architecture remain beautiful in spite of the years, pity its not the same for us humans.

  8. Mark and Gaz, well to be quite honest we are not exactly well travelled, off to Cheshire in a few weeks though.

  9. Fabulous architecture you have there in Aberdeen Alistair! Embarrasingly enough neither of us have ever been to Scotland, must make an effort….

  10. I just love phlox and this is a definite favorite. I am glad you reminded us to divide our flowers. So easy and so worth it to spread the flowers around the garden. Your pictures of your town buildings are wonderful…such beautiful buildings…I especially love the bridge…

  11. I loved looking at these pictures of Aberdeen! Thank you so much – traveling on the couch is the only kind of travel I can afford these days, and I enjoyed this trip :).

    Your phlox looks wonderful. We used to grow it in Russia, and I remember it well and miss it. It doesn’t like it here, unfortunately…

  12. Dear Alistair, One of my first flower-loves was phlox. I have one called ‘Bright Eyes’ which is very reliable and resists mildew. Love yours. Thanks for the tour of Aberdeen. Pamela

  13. Alistair, Edinburgh always gets the spotlight as the historical city of Scotland. I’ve never seen photos of Aberdeen. Great to have your local pub in such a magnificent building.

  14. Hi Alistair – used to grow Phlox and seeing these reminds me how much I miss their scent. The tendency to mildew made me discard all thoughts of growing them again so this variety gives new interest. Probably did not water enough, divide clumps and do the Chelsea chop.
    Would love to stand and stare on that bridge.

  15. These are very nice blooms. Not sure I can grow them. I worry that they will wither in our heat.

    Thanks for showing us some sights of Aberdeen.

  16. I love garden phlox also and have several varieties. I just added Franz Schubert last fall so I am pleased to hear of your success and good points on this one.

  17. I love the photos of your town! What a beautiful place with magnificent architecture. Love the history of your sparkling city.

  18. Pretty Phlox – do you find you need to stake it? I was wanting to buy one at Malvern, but only found the creeping sort, and then had to stop looking because I’d blown the budget…

    Love the Bridge of Dee – and that is a great photo of it. You are good ambassador for your city!

  19. Thanks Donna, we often take for granted what is on our own doorstep. We have a public garden in the city west end which I hadn’t visited for twenty years, I was gob smacked by the beauty of it last week. A while back Aberdeen won the Britain in bloom for nine consecutive years and was banned to give another city a chance. This garden which I will soon show on my blog played a big part in Aberdeen’s success.

  20. Thanks Larry, I just post once per week now, on a Saturday. I take it these are tours of your own garden. It was my older brothers 70th birthday on 8th May. He is of with his friends on a motorcycle tour to Portugal. He is one of those guys with eternal youth syndrome. Enjoy the garden party, and take it easy with that shoulder.

  21. Carolyn, Nell Jean also makes reference to cutting back phlox, I will be sure to try this, in fact I will do it this year.

  22. Alistair, I love garden phlox and would like to have a whole field of all the different colors. By collecting various cultivars, I manage to have it in bloom from mid-June to mid-October. ‘Blue Paradise’ is my really early variety. In my garden, only garden phlox (P. paniculata) gets mildew. Also I cut back garden phlox by half in mid-June (if not in bloom) to make bushier plants for its main season of August and September. Love the photos of Aberdeen. We really want to visit Scotland some day and they make me long to come there even more. Carolyn

  23. Hi Alistair… I was wondering when you would post again… I’ve enjoyed seeing the architecture from your piece of the world. I have had Franz Schubert in the past and it is indeed a lovely phlox. We are in the midst of spring peak and have conducted a number of garden tours this week. Several more in the next couple weeks plus a large garden party for my sister-in-law’s 70th birthday in a week… there should be a huge amount of bloom for that. Blogger had some problems and I’m missing my last two posts so will try to get a large post done this morning. It’s rainy today and I’ve overdone with my shoulder so need to avoid heavy work for a couple days. There is always so much work to be done! My best to you and your wife… Larry

  24. Nell Jean, No I haven’t done this with phlox, I normally only do this with annuals. I will definitely give it a try next year.

  25. Do you ever pinch the tops of you phlox to make them bushier? I pinched some spindly phlox just the other day. Mine are just the magenta species phlox, but they’re still attractive to butterflies.

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