Geranium nodosum Svelte Lilac
Geranium Nodosum Svelte Lilac for the woodland garden
If you are looking for a clump forming hardy Geranium, I don’t think Nodosum Svelte Lilac would likely be your first choice. Make no mistake, in the right setting, it is outstanding.

The hardy Geranium Nodosum Svelte Lilac grew in the woodland area of our Aberdeen garden. This Geranium grows very well under the shade of trees and doesn’t object to dry conditions.
The lilac trumpets, deeply veined stand proud of the mid green glossy foliage. It spreads well, being sort of clump forming and seeding freely. In spite of the plant’s vigour, it does have a delicate appearance
Geranium Nodosum Svelte Lilac

Quick details
• Hardiness – fully hardy perennial
• Position – does best in partial shade and only effective if allowed to spread
• Height – 30cm spread up to 45cm
• Soil – any reasonable garden soil acid/alkaline, free draining
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In the garden late August
The Hakonechloa fights to put on a decent show in spite of the wood pigeons constantly parking on it. Perhaps moving the bird feeder would be a sensible idea, but, I kind of like it where it is.

Astrantia major pink pride
The Astrantia Major pink pride started blooming at the beginning of June this year. Last year with continual deadheading it flowered non stop right through till September. This year with the hot Summer it was all flowered out by the end of July. I cut them back and off we go again, looking not bad.

Aruncus Aethusifolius
Aruncus Aethusifolius, the white flowers don’t last very long. Fortunately, the spent blooms look every bit as good.

Athyrium red beauty
The Japanese Fern Athyrium red beauty. There is a problem! It can be as late as May before it starts to make an appearance. The plant starts to look good when the Summer is coming to an end. Well that’s how it behaves in Scotland’s East coast.

Apple tree sunset
The Apple trees in tubs, they seem to be doing fine enough, I have to work on the pruning regime.

Clematis Royal Velours
The Clematis Royal Velours adding interest to Viburnum Tinus in Summer.

Thanks for dropping by, hope you come back soon
Great looking at your Garden Alistair.
I am not so sure growing apple trees in containers is all that wise Indie, but I like a challenge
Some beautiful blooms! I’m impressed that your trees are in containers, but still producing nice big apples! It is hard to find things for dry shade, but the geranium is lovely.
Hi Pam, it’s not so difficult keeping a small garden tidy.
The geranium is new to me, Alistair — I love it! Your late August garden is stunning — and so much tidier than mine. Mine looks like it was hit by heavy rain — oh, wait, it was, all summer. P. x
Love the pictures Alistair. The pic of the wood pigeon is funny, he looks like a right cheeky little chappie! It’s lovely he pays you a visit to trample on your Hakenochloa, hee hee. Ellen.