HomeGardening NewsViburnum Eskimo


Viburnum Eskimo — 27 Comments

  1. Thank you, Deborah, I also wish you all the best for this year, and will catch up with what’s going on once I get myself motivated.

  2. Hi Alistair, Happy gardening in 2019! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and I look forward to reading your posts this year. Deb

  3. Your viburnum looks amazing, but as I see it is young. In my garden I have a big one, it is quite old but still beautiful. Every year there are so many flowers! However, it is amazing that you managed to grow it in UK, because conditions here, as you said, are hard. Last year my mother also ordered a few other plants on https://gardenseedsmarket.com/garden-flowers-en/ , but every in white color..It looked amazing! If I could show you some photos, for sure you would admit!

  4. Hi Debs, Snowball does indeed look very much like Eskimo. Fortunately, the issue with your url does not affect the ability to find your site for those who know your blog address. I am going to try and add you to my list using a simple url link rather than the RSS feed.

  5. It is a beautiful viburnum. I own several types of viburnum, and yours reminds me of my Viburnum opulus, or Snowball viburnum, though my Snowball is much, much larger, almost the size of a small tree. I wonder if Eskimo is a dwarf cousin?

    Also, a few weeks ago you wrote me about a lack of secure message on my URL. Unfortunately, although Squarespace assures me my blog is quite secure, my older, out-of-date platform does not include messaging to that effect. I can’t get that without an upgrade, which would cost more money and would require a major overhaul of my entire blog, with features I don’t want or need. Bummer!

  6. Clematis growing through Viburnum is a good idea Sunil, in fact, I have done that with Tinus. Amazing flowers at this time of year? Those pictures were taken in early May.

  7. Hello Alistair, those flowers are amazing for this time of year. I was thinking that if the shrub looks twiggy for the rest of the year, it’s probably good to have a clematis growing up it, which you can then cut back to the ground to have the Viburnum flowers show through.

  8. Hello Frances, thanks for taking the time to look at my wee slideshow. Every time I publish a post I wonder as to how boring it is. Mind you it still fascinates me that I am able to do this. The day after publishing the post was freezing and the water in the birdbath was frozen solid.

  9. hello Alistair,

    your garden has quite a lot of green still in December and that is a lovely photo of a robin on your fence, I enjoyed your little slide show, just the right length, some people make long slide shows and then I start to get bored and usually leave without commenting,

    viburnum eskimo is beautiful in bloom, you seem to have other interesting plants nearby so the bareness of the viburnum leaves room to enjoy the other plants, or you could sow a few sweetpeas to climb through it and flower later in the year,

    I hope you are still frost free, we have had a little and yesterday it was -3C in the morning, quite unusual for the outer islands,


  10. I love viburnum. I have only one: Viburnum ‘Mariesii’. I agree that it looks bad for all of the year except June — but it’s worth it! P. x

  11. Never mind Alistair .. I found out (through Rab C. Nesbitt ) what the Glasgow Kiss is .. too funny !

  12. Now you know you have to tell me what that Glasgow kiss is .. if it is anything like a resounding raspberry ? LOL

  13. This viburnum is so pretty and evergreen, that’s wonderful. I have one viburnum grown as a shrub but it drops leaves in winter. Love these big flower heads, Alistair. I also like your slide show, I see your garden is partly green till now.

  14. Thanks for your comment Joy. I only know it was a Scottish Robin because it was giving a rival a Glasgow kiss. You won’t have a clue what I am talking about.

  15. Gorgeous! Our garden club maintains the White Garden at our local botanical garden, Nathanael Greene Park/Close Memorial Park. I will forward your blog post to our White Garden committee chair for their consideration. Thank you!

  16. I am in love with this viburnum ! I don’t think I have run across it before .. those flower heads are gorgeous when plants with flowers have retreated later in the year (other than our hydrangeas right ? ) .. I think in fact (after removing that netting) that you will see an even more profuse show of flowers next cycle, as well as better foliage .. I can well imagine the netting was detrimental to it’s capability to truly shine in your garden. I wish it was a bit sturdier than zone 6 .. although I have gotten away with plants in that zone in my back gardens.
    Too funny … yes … your correction of it being a Scottish robin, Alistair ! LOL
    They are smaller and cuter looking than our larger robust North American robins .. who take over the garden at times 🙂

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