Picture slide show of our Aberdeen garden

Between the years of 1985 and 2013 our Aberdeen garden gave us a great deal of pleasure.

When we arrived in 1985 we saw the potential. There was very little in the garden, a large lawn and very narrow borders with very few plants.

I hope you like what we did with it.

Our Aberdeen Garden

In November 2013 we moved to be near family in Cheshire we created another garden.

Our Cheshire garden

In 2017 Scotland was calling us back, and we moved to Fife, which will be our last move although Aberdeen will always be closest to our heart.

Our Fife garden


Our Aberdeen Garden — 11 Comments

  1. Hi Gordon, We lived in Leggart when we were in Aberdeen, not far from where you are. We almost bought a small cottage in Maryculter at one time (Bogfon) I would wee wisteria from time to time in Aberdeen. The best ones were in a sheltered sunny position. Look for North American varieties, check out online company Burncoose.

  2. We live in Maryculter an have possibly the best view from west facing window in the north east. We look up the Deeside valley some 60 miles. This comes with a problem, wind. This year we lost the climbing. Jasmine planted last year to frost and a couple of climbing roses have a bit of frost.
    What I would like advice on is I would like to have a go with wisteria ? Will it grow here in Aberdeen if so what would be the verity to go for?

  3. It can be a case of trial and error, Phlox subulata could work. Hardy geraniums could be worth trying, everyone raves about Rozanne blue flowers over a very long period.

  4. Hi,
    My wife is looking to plant some flowering ground cover under some trees/bushes in our garden. We’re in the city centre of Aberdeen. Can you suggest anything that is hardy, looks good and likes neutral ph soil? She was looking at Phlox but there are so many varieties.
    Thanks in advance,

  5. Ian, It is a slide show and all I can see is Flamboyant side by side with Allysum and one in a basket with blue lobelia. Sorry I dont sell plants.

  6. Hi, in one of your photos you show Begonia Flamboyant planted along with a white plant, not alyssum.
    There was only the Begonia and just this one white. May I ask the name of the white plant.
    Also do you supply the Begonia Flamboyant?
    Thanking you in anticipation.
    Slainte, Ian R.Roger.

  7. Alistair- many thanks indeed for your prompt, comprehensive reply!
    I will let you know how I get on.

  8. Hi May, The shrubs you like are favourites of ours. For these plants the soil has to be on the acidic side. Add loads of ericaceous compost to ensure you have the proper growing conditions. Dont forget Camellias, if you are in the North east of Scotland here are three which are great, Camellia Donation, Anticipation and also Debbie perfect for the cooler North. Start off by planting your largest shrubs. I would include at least one of the larger deciduous Azaleas. Another two evergreen shrubs to seriously consider is Viburnum Tinus Spirit and also Viburnum Tinus Eve Price.I like Pieris but dont just stick to Forest flame. Oh I almost forgot Simmia, this is the best one I have come acrSkimmia temptation
    If there is an area of the border that gets a fair bit of sun Heathers can look great. And Heucherra can stand sun or shade, go for the ones with red or pink flowers, they can bloom for months, one named Paris is extremely long flowering. Although not evergreen, Brunnera, Pulmonaria and hardy Geraniums would give good ground cover.

  9. Enjoying all the posts,pictures and comments -thank you,
    Can I ask for some advice please?
    Having cleared an overgrown NE/NW facing bank at the side of our house, we are looking for planting ideas ! We love azaleas,rhoddies,Pieris , but also need some colour throughout the year and some ground over plants (which are not invasive, to suppress the weeds. We would prefer evergreen shrubs. Suggestions would be very welcome!
    Thank you in anticipation.

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