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Dahlia Renato Tosia — 13 Comments

  1. I love that orange dahlia. What a beauty. Congrats on winning the best garden in the village. Much deserved. You are moving again? New garden to follow I guess.

  2. Hi Linda, thanks for dropping by, I was born in 1945, getting on but not quite old enough to be your dad. Its funny how some things stick in your mind.

  3. Alistair, everything is gorgeous! The Dahlias are of the most beautiful I have ever seen! Thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog post today. I vaguely remember I Married Joan. So I went to YouTube and, sure enough, they have some episodes of this classic, and I am delighted! I am going to watch some because this show aired before I was born (I was born in 1956). I am sure that my parents watched it. So thank you so much for reminding me about it, I will be watching this show on YouTube. 🙂

  4. Hello Alistair, our Dahlias are out of control! We deadhead with buckets and we just can’t keep up. There’s almost an air of desperation as the days get cooler and shorter so the Dahlias flower more and more. Will you be digging your tubers up for the winter or leaving them in the soil?

  5. I’m not surprised your garden won best in the village! Those Dahlias are so pretty and cheerful. I love orange in the garden, though my orange flowers are usually relegated to the back yard since the front yard has a pastel theme. Those Streptocarpus are beautiful! I’ve never seen them before, but I don’t grow many houseplants unfortunately as much cat eats them. That is one gorgeous collection of them!

  6. Oh, Alistair, say Myra that Freya is stunning! I’d love to grow this one as well, ah…
    Your dahlias are very pretty, sure the new owners will be glad to have such wonderful gift from you.
    Happy weekend!

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